Saturday, December 18, 2010


I am hereby forwarding NADI VIGYAN - THEORETICAL PIECE in the series of Nadi Pariksa and I have tried my best to put all my experience of nadi vigyan on this page.
Om Shri Sadguru dhanvantari parmatmane nam: /

Om bramha dakshasahvarudraindrabhuchandraarkanilaanalo:/
Rushya saoushadhigrama bhutasangahch pantu te //

Nadipariksha Technique

The technique behind nadi PAREEKSHA is very simple. It requires only three finger tip an attentive higher self to accept and analyze it.


. The nadi generally palpated on the radial arteries at the distal end of forearm. [base of thumb ]. In female, the nadi of left hand and in males that of right hand is palpated. [ mantravat sampruyuktavyam ]
If in any case it’s not possible to use to conventional site for Nadi pariksha other pulsating sites can be used.


From the base of thumb pass the finger tip of index finger on the lateral side of forearm until a crest or tubercle is palpated. Be sure that all fingers are placed together and at same plane on the pulse by applying equal pressure on all the three fingers.

Anatomy of radial artery

Gati of nadi

1. Vata – The irregular, fast, variant and lurching movement in the pulse gibing that snake’s versatile movement is suggestive. U can see the link…


2. Pitta - The moment like toad is like forward jumping, intense and fast suggestive of pitta. See beneath link…Pittapradhan toad.


3. Kapha – Swan moves very comfortably, slowly subtly without disturbing the integrity of surface of water. See below link


Its again a new try in the field of Nadi that is very pragmatic part to understand gati

Dosha relation with finger
Index finger conveys information about Vata Dosha

Middle finger conveysinformation about Pitta Dosha

Ring finger conveys information about Kapha Dosha

Immediate expression

After putting ur finger try to empathize the different qualities of nadi.
• Guru – laghu
• Ushna – shita
• Snighda – ruksha
• Manda – Tikshna
• Sthira – Sara
• Shula – Sukshma
• Pichila – Vishad
• Full – empty
• Hard – Soft
• Fast – Slow
• Regular – Irregular
• Strong – Weak

These lineaments represent the overall functioning within the doshik system and carry the entropy of likewise at a coarser level. Keeping in mind the qualities of dosha the information moving through the pulse can understand at a grosser level only . At this level one should not fret about the level , pressure of finger ,but should try to gather the level best information through the pulse.

e.g. 1. Guruta , mada, full – suggest Ama condition , without examing jivha u say sama jivha [ most of the time] ..
2. warm, full , fast – suggest ama with fever that
3. laghuta , fast, empty – suggest niram condition…
4. also suggest qulity of vata- Sama vayu - above qualities of samta / niramta with index finger. Like that each dosha with its respective finger. ..We will discuss more about this in interpretion and practical aspects


Edge no.1 – Normal pulsation
Edge no. 2 –Abnormal pulsation

1. Normal pulsation
When we put edge no.1 on the tip of finger, the feeling is alike normal pulse. the pulsation which touches an eliptical way to whole finger base ...

2. Abnormal pulsation
When we put edge no.2 on the tip of finger, the feeling is alike abnormal pulse. The pulsation which touches only middle of the finger like prick with sharp edge.
This is very hard - nosed method, I am suggesting only for intimating with nadi. Here, I am trying easy way to learn Nadi Pariksha online. If anything awry, you should put your own eye shots.

Significant Notes:

1. Every step during pulse diagnosis the index should always be positioned nearest to radial tubercle at the base of thumb.
2. All the three fingers should be used for perception the pulsations.
3. The patient and vaidya both should be very comfortable physically and mentally.
4. All other physical activities like speaking, laughing thoughts should be abandoned.
5. Morning is best kala for nadi - pariksha with empty stomach.

1 comment:

Venkata Rama Reddy.K said...

Hi Vikas,

I am looking for a good Nadi Vaidya ( doctor who can carry out good nadi reading and suggest remedies) for chronic ailment treatment of my parents.

Please update doctor details