Saturday, December 18, 2010


I am hereby forwarding NADI VIGYAN - THEORETICAL PIECE in the series of Nadi Pariksa and I have tried my best to put all my experience of nadi vigyan on this page.

Theoretical piece

Om Shri Sadguru dhanvantari parmatmane nam: /

Om bramha dakshasahvarudraindrabhuchandraarkanilaanalo:/
Rushya saoushadhigrama bhutasangahch pantu te //

Before entering the main subject it is our prime duty to pray the founding Fathers of Nadi likes Shiva, Nandi & Ravan requesting them to remove the obstacle in our new topic discussion i.e.nadi vigyan and also for the successful completion of this series.
All of that I am sharing with you in this shackle; may not found convincingly in our texts. Whatever, I am going to write is of course based upon the basic principles of Ayurveda but I received this knowledge from my guru and myself as a part of a less known Ayurvedic tradition
.Its my sincere request to all of you that, what I am going to share with you please don’t apply directly to the patient without any clinical training. It’s not mine. I am getting this from a guru and mantra siddha prampara. Initially, you try it day to day practice on your own Nadi and make your own conclusion then try it freely on patients.

Now let us enter in the topic.

Darsnhan prashne sansparshat parikshat trividha smruta …

Ayurveda uses Darshan, sparshan and prashna as the main clinical devices and Nadivigyan also come beneath that., since from charak, Nadi Prikshan has been the part of rog- rogi Parikshan. We are not going to discussing the detail Parikshan vidhi.

Nadi { pulse} means something which is hollow , tubular in structure and pulsating in nature .The pulse is an individual’s psychophysiology and subtle flow of consciousness represented by three doshas : vata, pitta, and kapha .{ V.Lad}.

I think, Nadi is the bridge between body, mind and soul of Rugna & Vaidya.

1. Shira ……………sh. Su. 5/ 43
2. tasya hrudayam……
3. dhamnad dhamanya…

The vessels involved in the circulation are of 3 varieties

dhmand.............................shira ch. su. 30

I) Dhamani(Artery) –

II) Srotas (Capillary)-

sravanat..........................sravanad ch. su 30 chakarpani

meaning which secretes. A srotas is one that is permissible to fluids “SRAVANAM SYANDANAM” ( Pra.Sa.Dhm.Kha.) or which secretes Poshya Dhatus ( nourishing materials ) like RASA etc.

........................................................arthen // ch. vi. 5

III) Sira (Vein)-

sarand deshantar gamanath..................................../ ch. su. 30

meaning which slowly propagates fluid SARANAT SIRA (Ch. Su. 30). A sira is one which will slowly pump the blood (Rakta) towards the heart “SARANAM MRIDUGATYA HRIDAYABHIMUKHAM CALANAM” (Pra. Sa. Dha. Kha.) or which spreads Rasa, Rakta various parts of the body. Dhamni word is made of “dham – dhmane “sanskrit dhatu. Continuous pulsating means pradhaman, so it’s called as Dhmani. Hrudaya is the main site of rakta dhatu. Through this channels of 24 dhamani, it supply to all over the body for tarpan, vardhan etc…

Shdanga ………………………………………….……….\
……………………………….. sanshritam 30/6

According to charak, Shadangvigyanam, Indriya, Indiryartha, Aatama, Satva, Raja, Tama, chitntya all are placed in hridya [heart] .Sparashan is the tactile skill of touch. In sparshana one is truly feeling changes taking place in Dhari, Ayu, Nityag i.e. Sharir, Satva, Aatma sanyoga.

Srotansi …………………nadya……lakshyalakshnamani bhavanti 5/9

Nadi is synonym of srotas as charaka stated above shloka, I think Nadi parikshna is nothing but srotas parikshn. [Its answer of charaka when I asked him about Nadi pariskha].Relation between Nadi parikshna and srotas Parikshan, will discuss in the next chapter.

Prakrutistam ………………………………………………………….
……………………………………………svam karamam kurute - 61

Aaashya is the synonym of srotas means Nadi also. Aashyapakarksh gati which is enlightened by charaka in Kiyantashirashiya Addhaya it is impractical without nadipariksha. This is only a chapter that covers most significant topics of Ayurveda like Shiroroga, hrudroga, aashyapakarsha gati[Nadivigyan] , Dosha dhatu mala khsya lakhan , oja , Madhumeha , kshya hetu, chyaparkopa prasham, Dosha gati etc. I think because of that he gives name as KIYANTSHIRASHIYA [personal belief].

Aacharya charak has mentioned that the combo of mana and aatama satys in heart [ sutra 30 ] & same combo has been mentioned as eve.[ sharir 1 ]so the nadivaidya observed the nadi called as JIVASAKSHINI NADI [ sharangdhar ]. So it can be easily understood that all doshic bhav as well as mansic bhav can be observed and assessed from jivasakshini nadi situated the angushtamoolam . needless to say, that this nadi observation requires millions of repetitions to get expertise.In addition to be also important that while observing nadi vaaidya needs to open our heart and not the brain.

All modern, examination need to be done by physicians brains [INTELIGENCE] and most of the ayurvedic examination especially nadi is observed better by heart [INSPIRATION]. INSPIRATION are nurtured in the lap of SADGURU & TRADITION.

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