Kushthaghna- Useful in all types of skin diseases
Lekhaniya- Haridra scrapes out the unnecessary fat and other toxins out of the body
Kandughna- Haridra alleviates itching
Vishghna- Alleviate toxic conditions
Shirovirechana- Useful in purification procedure for the body parts above clavicle level
Varnya/ Deha varna vidhayini- Enhances complexion
Meha hara- Haridra is useful in urinary disorders including diabetes
Krimighna- Haridra kills all types of Krimies(Infectiuous agents)
Shoshahara- Haridra is useful in emaciation, under nutrition and other similar conditions
Pandu paha- Useful in anaemic conditions
Vranapaha- Haridra is a good healer for wounds
Vishodhani- Purifies all the systems of the body
Peenasa nashini- Useful in cold, coryza and rhinitis
Aruchi nashini- Alleviates anorexia
Lekhaniya- Haridra scrapes out the unnecessary fat and other toxins out of the body
Kandughna- Haridra alleviates itching
Vishghna- Alleviate toxic conditions
Shirovirechana- Useful in purification procedure for the body parts above clavicle level
Varnya/ Deha varna vidhayini- Enhances complexion
Meha hara- Haridra is useful in urinary disorders including diabetes
Krimighna- Haridra kills all types of Krimies(Infectiuous agents)
Shoshahara- Haridra is useful in emaciation, under nutrition and other similar conditions
Pandu paha- Useful in anaemic conditions
Vranapaha- Haridra is a good healer for wounds
Vishodhani- Purifies all the systems of the body
Peenasa nashini- Useful in cold, coryza and rhinitis
Aruchi nashini- Alleviates anorexia
Nice Post and it is very informative post. Thanks for sharing this post with us.
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